The Silence of the Lambs is a 1991 horror thriller based on the book The Silence of the Lambs. Now, I do like this film, it has a great cast with a cool premise and plot. It just struck me as kind of bland. The story was not that intriguing to me and the film had this horrible pacing problem. I understand that this film is part of the Hannibal Lector franchise and mainly focuses on Hannibal’s character, but the film had this other serial killer that was like the main villain and was part of the main plot and yet we get so little screen time with him. We focus a lot more on Clarice and Hannibal’s relationship than anything else and while it is entertaining and we have great moments of dialogue, it can be frustrating to even know the importance of Buffalo Bill was! The character is just there to be there it feels like. Buffalo Bills importance is just to have Clarice and Hannibal meet and because of that it just makes the ending bittersweet. If Bill was just a bland serial killer then that would be fine, but they gave a character that I wanted to know more about, but all we got was little visual hints. The film also has the pacing problem where some scenes drag on way to long then they have to be. For example, some of the backstory on Clarice’s character was a waste of time and gave nothing to the story and the whole looking for Bill scene in his house with Clarice. In the end, The Silence of the Lambs has great acting and an entertaining plot, but with a pointless villain and a pacing problem the film comes off bittersweet and pointless. My name’s Plasticnut and I give The Silence of the Lambs 6 out 10 acorns!