Spider-Man: Far from Home is the sequel to 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming. I was very excited to see this film! I am such a big Spider-Man fan and Homecoming is one of my favorite movies of all time! This film was a mixed bag, sadly. I really enjoyed all the visuals and loved all the character interactions! The acting was great, it was beautiful looking and the dialogue was so natural and smooth between characters! The action sequences were incredible and amazing! The movie had a lot going for it, except a good villain. Sadly, this movie has a really big villain problem. Mysterio is a very complex and cool character in the comics. It just felt he was a little rushed as a character. His reason why he’s a villain is so stupid and bad that I could tell that the process was rushed! While we do see Mysterio in action we never see him actually fight spidey. I just couldn’t sense any real threat or danger from him! Even though we got some pretty great scenes with him, the character just felt bland. In the end, Spider-Man: Far from Home has great chemistry between characters and beautiful action sequences, but lacks any real threat or motivation from its villain. My name’s Plasticnut and I give Spider-Man: Far from Home 8 out of 10 acorns!