Mom and Dad is a 2017 horror film that stars Nicholas Cage and Selma Blair. It was directed by Brian Taylor, who directed the two Cranks and the cinematic masterpiece that was Jonah Hex. The premise of this movie is about two parents who go ape shit and try to murder their kids for no actual fucking reason. Now, I have many problems with this movie! When I first saw the trailer it made the film seem like this high energetic crazy violent film about parents trying to kill their kids. I was on bored! Nicholas Cage going crazy for no apparent reason sounded like a fun time! I found the movie on Hulu and was ready to be entertained as hell! The opening was very 80’s like and it looked pretty bad ass. We get our first scene with the family in the kitchen with the housekeeper. We get a lot of set up for what happens later in the film, but the setup is done in such an obnoxious way that it gets very annoying! You can predict what happens in later scenes and the shit actually happens! Like what is the point of doing a 2 hour long film and give away everything in the first few minutes! Anyways, they establish that the parents don’t like the daughters boyfriend and are annoyed by the daughter because she’s a teenage brat. Now, before I go on I want to talk about the acting. Nicholas is great in it, he really drives the whole crazy dad persona up a lot. Selma Blair was great as well, she was devoted to the role and was enjoyable to watch. The kids were dog shit! It felt like they did not care about the role they had at all! They would scream, run and have little dialogue. Seems easy, but I guess not for them. Anne Winters played the daughter, Carly, and Zackary Arthur played the son, Josh. They are up and coming actors, so I will give them that. So we get this scene with mom and Carly, they basically reveal that they have a rocky relationship and basic teenager hates mom stereotype shit. We then are at Carly’s school with her drug addicted best friend for the most boring part of the film! So shit starts going down when the fire alarm goes off and every kid in the school starts rushing out. We cut back to Josh at the house with the housekeeper. Josh has a flashback of, what i’m guessing, abuse from dad. After we get that, the housekeeper kills her daughter that was with her. Now that I think of it, why the hell aren’t her kid and Josh in school! They’re like fucking 9 or 10, they should be in school! Anyways, Josh runs and hides under his bed. We then cut back to Carly’s school and we see a hoard of parents trying to break through the gates with police pushing them back. Then there’s this random kid that climbs the gates goes to his mom. The mom kills him with her keys, I guess, and then everyone starts to get what is going on. One of my biggest issues with this film are the kills! For stating that your film is so crazy and insane, they sure have a lot of off screen fucking deaths! The creativity is not there! Your film is R for fucks sake, show me gore and show me blood! If killing kids on screen is so controversial, then don’t make a fucking movie about it! Anyways, we get an hour of the movie of no mom and dad trying to kill kids action. We get other pointless shit of what the parents go through in making them turn. The whole reason why they turn is because some static on screens of different electronics shows and the sound of it makes them want to kill their kids. That is it! That’s the fucking reason and they do not even explain it later on! It is so stupid and absurd that it actually makes me wonder why some people like this movie! We get so much backstory on the parents that really do not provide anything to the film or story! It is just so boring and not even enjoyable in the slightest! We get 20 minutes of actual mom and dad trying to kill the kids! The movie is 2 fucking hours! When we do get some action, the cinematography is so bad! It is so sloppy and hard to see what is even going on! The thing that pissed me off the most is this obnoxious dub step beat plays whenever shit is going down! It gets annoying and repetitive and makes it hard to even to watch! There really is no ending either! We get a good 8 minute fight between the grandparents and parents fighting trying to kill each other. Grandpa gets his head blown off, which we actually get to see! Only thing we get to see. Then the kids and grandma get mom and dad tied in the basement and they say I love you to them and then dad says some weird shit, but gets cut off by the credits! That’s it, that’s the movie! In the end Mom and Dad had potential, but lacks any creativity and was very fucking boring! The acting is OK on some levels, but overall mediocre. I do not recommend this film to anyone! If you want to see Gore, ape shit adults and good music then go see The Strangers: Prey at Night. My names is Plasticnut and I give this film a 3 out of 10 acorns!