Big Little Lies is an HBO series based on the bestselling book. First off, this is not a show I would be into, but fuck was I into it! This show is amazing! The story is great, the acting is incredible and some of the cinematography is breathtaking! HBO is always pumping out amazing works of art, with the exception of Game of Thrones season 8. This show has it all and I really did enjoy it tremendously! This show is funny, heartbreaking and frustrating all at the same time! At first, I was so confused on why one of the main characters was such and asshole and why I was expected to root for her. I understood why they did that at the end, they showed that not everyone is perfect and that’s OK. It’s just part of being human, we do dumb shit that we regret, but we end up learning from those mistakes. This show is beautiful! I binged the whole season in one day! My only problem is that there is a pacing issue. There are a lot of things going on at once with 4 different plot lines and it can be hard to keep up, especially with only six 40 minute episodes in the season. I feel if they made more episodes with a shorter run time and showcasing each characters plot line as their own episode, than I feel it would be more organized and easier to follow. In the end, Big Little Lies is an amazing show with a great story and cast, but can be a little messy due to it’s pacing issue. My name is Plasticnut and I give Big Little Lies 9 out of 10 acorns!