Godzilla: King of the Monsters is the third installment in the Warner Bros. monster universe. Now, I am very mixed on this film. I loved both Godzilla and Kong: Skull Island and was very excited for this film! This was my most anticipated film of the year next to Endgame! I left the theater feeling somewhat disappointed. The film is gorgeous looking and the action sequences were amazing! I got goosebumps! Man did they fuck up the story though! The human characters had such shit dialogue, whenever we were with the human characters it felt like a boring Hallmark Holiday movie and the editing was so fucking shit! There would be a character near a waterfall on a floating base and then the next scene the character would be in a jet like they never left! Fucking characters will show up out of nowhere with no context! My main problem was how fucking boring the main characters are! Again, we have the most generic human conflict ever, “ In order to move on you must accept your past” story bullshit! The characters have no life to them and whenever the movie focuses on them, the film gets so hard to watch! It is a freaking Godzilla movie, WHY IS IT FUCKING BORING!!!! Whenever we do get monsters fighting, they cut to the humans and its gets so frustrating! I am in such awe with the beautiful CGI and want to keep focus on that, but then we cut to the humans having shit dialogue and making stupid decisions!  In the end, Godzilla: King of the Monsters is a gorgeous looking film with beautiful action scenes, but is overshadowed with such boring characters and shit storytelling! My name’s Plasticnut and I give Godzilla: King of the Monsters 4 out of 10 acorns!