They Come Knocking is the latest film in the In To The Dark Series on Hulu. The premise is about this one family who goes on a trip to the dessert to say goodbye to their mom/wife, who died of cancer. They later get terrorized by these black eyed children. This film is one of the worst films I have ever seen! The acting is awkward and does not flow, it is shot like a fan film on YouTube and the story is so fucking stupid. My biggest problem is how they portrayed the black eyed kids. I did a whole presentation about these creatures in 7th grade, so I know the lure behind them. The story is the most generic “ You have to let the past go in order for things to be better” I have ever seen. I could give a shit if that was the story, as long as the black eyed kids were portrayed right. They fucking weren’t, they were involved in the whole stupid mom dying plot! That was the reason they were terrorizing the family because they would not move on! WHY!? The real legend is the black eyed kids could give a shit! They show up whenever and wherever they want! If you let them in, they kill you! That is why that legend is so fucking scary! This movie throws that away and gives us the most generic fucking lifetime turned horror movie ever! It is boring, lacks any creativity and is poorly made! In the end, They Come Knocking is the Slender man movie of the In To The Dark universe! My name is Plasticnut and I give They Come Knocking 1 out of 10 acorns!